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Energy Bites

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12 Almonds Chocolate Energy Bites


These bites are so good that they are addictive, one bite won’t be enough, and you won’t feel guilty about eating it because it is made with natural ingredients such as dates, almonds, organic cacao, almond butter…

12 Chocolate Peanut Energy Bites


These energy bites will hit your sweet tooth and chocolate rush anytime of the day and the best thing is that they are HEALTHY since they are made with dates, peanuts, cacao…

12 Ginger Cashew Energy Bites


This energy bite is a great morning snack, it’s fresh and will give you the right amount of energy to start your day, and like everything I do it’s NATURAL.

It’s made of dates, cashew, ginger and oats.

12 Pistachio Energy Bites


These bites will give you energy all day, you can eat it before or after you work out and most important as a snack too, plus they are DELICIOUS and what not to love about it since it is made with dates, pistachio, cranberry….